International dispute resolution

Remedies in English law

Remedies in English law

Common Law distinguishes between two types of remedies — damages and specific performance. IncFine team provides consulting services to determine which remedy is best for you. Damages in the English legal system is a...
Features of Сommercial Dispute Resolution in China

Features of Сommercial Dispute Resolution in China

If you are facing the task of starting a lawsuit in China, then this blog post can give you useful information to think about. In China, the judiciary is empowered on behalf of the state,...
Mediation in Great Britain

Mediation in Great Britain

What makes mediation a particularly effective ADR method is that it affords the maximum degree of flexibility to all its participants. Depending on a dispute’s nature & value, mediation in Great Britain may occur in...
Dispute Resolution in Delaware in the US

Dispute Resolution in Delaware in the US

Court proceedings may vary significantly from one US state to another. This blog post is dedicated to the specifics of dispute resolution in Delaware. Today, many entrepreneurs choose this jurisdiction to register a
Advantages of Mediation in Commercial Dispute Resolution

Advantages of Mediation in Commercial Dispute Resolution

When it comes to mediation, a number of unfair stereotypes come to mind about this procedure. For example, many believe that mediation is only suitable for disputes over family law, or it is something like...
Dispute Resolution in the Republic of Cyprus

Dispute Resolution in the Republic of Cyprus

A legal system based on common law, geographic location & well-developed business infrastructure - all of these factors make resolving international disputes in Cyprus a very attractive option. The most
Top Tips How To Make Maximum Use Of Mediation

Top Tips How To Make Maximum Use Of Mediation

A conciliatory procedure called mediation can be very helpful in resolving a conflict. Many civil cases end up in mediation before trial as a result of court rule or by agreement of the parties. The...
How To Choose A Dispute Resolution Method

How To Choose A Dispute Resolution Method

Special attention should be paid to dispute resolution methods when concluding business agreements. In this blog post, we offer an overview of the most common methods — negotiation, arbitration and mediation as peaceful methods of...
Peculiarities of Legal Proceedings in Norway

Peculiarities of Legal Proceedings in Norway

If you are faced with the need to resolve a dispute in Norway , then our blog post will be useful as it provides a brief overview of the litigation specifics in
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in India

Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in India

Parties to a dispute who have received an award but aren’t based in India are often faced with the question: Which Indian court should they go to have that decision enforced?  According
Updated Arbitration Regime in London

Updated Arbitration Regime in London

If you or your business has been treated unfairly, you can defend your position by arbitration in London . Meanwhile, some change has occurred and international dispute resolution in the UK’s capital
Arbitration Features in Japan

Arbitration Features in Japan

Commercial arbitration in Japan is used less often than litigation as a means of resolving international disputes, despite the fact that Japan is a signatory to the New York Convention. Meanwhile, dispute resolution in Japan...
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in India

Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in India

This blog post describes ways to enforce arbitral awards in India and the reasons why enforcement of foreign awards remains a problem in that country. The constant growth of international
Remote Mediation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Remote Mediation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Given that the coronavirus pandemic is continuing at an unrelenting pace, social distancing measures will likely to remain in place for some time to come. Recent months have seen the emergence of a trend whereby...
Arbitration and Mediation in Gibraltar

Arbitration and Mediation in Gibraltar

A dispute resolution by arbitration in Gibraltar initially presupposes the conclusion of an arbitration agreement. These provisions are general in nature and relate to the appointment of arbitrators, the nature of the award
Online Technologies in International Arbitration

Online Technologies in International Arbitration

Nowadays, resolving an international dispute through arbitration and at the same time using various technologies has become a trend, especially in light of the measures taken globally to combat the coronavirus pandemic. What kind of...
Updated Legislation on International Arbitration in Switzerland

Updated Legislation on International Arbitration in Switzerland

Considering settling a dispute in Switzerland ? Then you should definitely keep in mind the latest amendments to the PILA Act passed by the Swiss Parliament early this year. Expected to enter
Resolving Disputes Through Litigation in Spain

Resolving Disputes Through Litigation in Spain

Settling a dispute by litigation in Spain normally takes place in court. The country’s judicial system is comprised of courts of different levels, such as: municipal courts, district courts, commercial courts,
Specifics of Litigation in Cyprus

Specifics of Litigation in Cyprus

In this blog post, we will briefly explain how disputes in Cyprus are resolved. If you intend to start litigation in Cyprus, first you should be aware of is that the domestic law of Cyprus...
Arbitration Specifics in Indonesia

Arbitration Specifics in Indonesia

If you encounter a situation when you need to resolve a commercial dispute in Indonesia, you need to be aware that arbitration proceedings in this jurisdiction can be initiated before or
Virtual Arbitration in India

Virtual Arbitration in India

Given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, those considering resolving international disputes through arbitration in India should seek alternative ways of resolving their disagreements. There’s not so many of them, which is why
Enforcing Arbitral Awards in Brazil

Enforcing Arbitral Awards in Brazil

In response to the growing demand for resolving disputes through arbitration, the Brazilian government has recently made some changes to the country’s arbitration laws. According to them, government agencies can now settle
Regulation of Arbitral Awards in Brazil

Regulation of Arbitral Awards in Brazil

If you intend to initiate arbitration in Brazil, it is important to consider the specifics of legal requirements in this jurisdiction. This article discusses the main aspects of regulating arbitral awards.
Litigation in Japan

Litigation in Japan

Litigation in Japan is initiated as soon as the plaintiff has filed a complaint in writing with a court, indicating a remedy sought & factually substantiating their claim. Once the court has looked into the...
Arbitration During the COVID-19 Pandemic in India

Arbitration During the COVID-19 Pandemic in India

Given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, resolving disputes through arbitration in India is now impossible. The quarantine measures, such as social distancing, are causing Indian courts & arbitration institutions to seek ways
Arbitration in the Cayman Islands

Arbitration in the Cayman Islands

Though modelled on the Model UNCITRAL law, Caymanese arbitration legislation does have several distinctively “Caymanese” features. So, let’s analyze some of them, including requirements for concluding arbitration agreements in the Caymans
Remote Mediation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Remote Mediation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic has caused governments of many countries to take steps aimed at minimizing contact between people. Thus, dispute resolution procedures in Great Britain, including arbitration & mediation, have been...
Effective Arbitration in the United Arab Emirates

Effective Arbitration in the United Arab Emirates

The effectiveness of decision enforcement is one of the key criteria when choosing a dispute resolution procedure in the UAE . The recently adopted new law on arbitration in this jurisdiction further
Convenient and Inexpensive Arbitration Platform in Panama

Convenient and Inexpensive Arbitration Platform in Panama

Agreeing on a convenient place for arbitration for both parties is a sort of art. A neutral arbitration location has to be chosen assuming the parties have equal bargaining power. The choice depends
Regulation of Arbitration Clauses in the UK

Regulation of Arbitration Clauses in the UK

Arbitration in Great Britain is used as an effective way of resolving disputes. However, to make this process as smooth & hassle-free as possible, parties negotiating a deal should pay special
Arbitration Clause in Emails in the Netherlands

Arbitration Clause in Emails in the Netherlands

Looking to start an arbitration in the Netherlands? If you are, then what follows below will certainly be of interest to you. We’re going to describe to you the specifics of
Remote Dispute Resolution in India

Remote Dispute Resolution in India

We’ve already covered general provisions related to dispute resolution in India . In this piece we’ll be reviewing changes in Indian dispute resolution procedures that have recently been introduced due to the
Mediation & Social Distancing

Mediation & Social Distancing

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is causing people to be more careful about having face-to-face meetings. However, disputes are continuing to arise, and ADR methods, such as online mediation, may prove to be an effective tool...
Сan an Arbitral Award Be Annuled?

Сan an Arbitral Award Be Annuled?

The answer to this question is ‘yes’ despite the general principle that decisions made in the dispute settlement process through arbitration are considered final and should not undergo any substantive revision. Arbitration proceedings all over...
Arbitral Awards in Japan

Arbitral Awards in Japan

We’ve already covered the main aspects of arbitration regulation in Japan. In this piece, we’ll be looking into the enforcement & challenging of arbitral awards in this jurisdiction. Correction & Interpretation If you intend to...
Challenging & Executing Arbitral Awards in Hungary

Challenging & Executing Arbitral Awards in Hungary

We have already covered arbitration regulation in Hungary & requirements for initiating arbitral proceedings in this jurisdiction. In this piece, we’ll be looking into the execution & challenging of arbitration
Arbitration & Mediation and Why Singapore?

Arbitration & Mediation and Why Singapore?

Following SIMC launching, companies & individuals seeking to settle disputes via mediation in Singapore should take care of renegotiating their contracts. What makes Singapore the number one site for international
Remote Dispute Resolution During COVID-19

Remote Dispute Resolution During COVID-19

Measures to protect people from the virus are justified, but they only exacerbate the negative consequences for businesses, which are already assessing serious damage. With businesses focused on getting back to normal operations as soon...
Arbitration in the SAR

Arbitration in the SAR

Interested in regulation of arbitration proceedings in South Africa? Want to know more about the main requirements for settling disputes through arbitration in the SAR? Then this article is definitely for you. Resolving International Disputes...
10 Tips for E-Mediation

10 Tips for E-Mediation

With the coronavirus pandemic showing no signs of letting up, in-person mediations are rapidly giving way to remote ones. Some entrepreneurs have quickly adapted to the new reality & are feeling quite comfortable