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The establishment of a corporate entity in Indonesia, a transcontinental realm predominantly situated in Southeast Asia, could be an apt alternative for businessmen seeking to broaden their undertakings in a steady and dependable land with robust fiscal affiliations across the globe. With the most substantial economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia stands as one of the principal ascending market nations worldwide. Several authorities anticipate Indonesia will ascend to the position of the world's fourth most immense economy by 2050. 

To foment expansion of commerce in Indonesia, the administration is fervently cultivating a conducive milieu for overseas investors via schemes intended to mitigate hindrances and augment the nation's global competitiveness. At present, the corporate enrollment procedure is partially computerized. Moreover, in recent annals, evaluative bodies such as Fitch, Standard & Poor's, and Moody's have progressively elevated Indonesia's fiscal evaluations owing to its commendable economic performance. In this discourse, we shall examine an incremental manual on how to inaugurate a firm in Indonesia.

Registration of an Indonesian company: business advantages of the country

Numerous justifications exist for inaugurating an enterprise in Indonesia. The nation proffers abundant commercial prospects for pioneers and financiers endeavoring to capitalize on the burgeoning marketplace. A multifaceted economy, an amplifying clientele base, and escalating consumer expenditure potential render the locale a compelling haven for commercial ventures. Enumerated below are several of the principal business inclinations:

  1. Subsequent to India and China, Indonesia possesses the most expansive internal marketplace on the Asian landmass.
  2. The nation boasts diminished labor expenses in contrast to other Asiatic nations.
  3. Indonesia has instituted a myriad of distinct economic precincts. These afford financiers with a diverse array of enticements, including fiscal inducements, multifarious subsidies, as well as productivity rewards. Fiscal advantages, such as VAT abatement and diminution of corporate income levies, shall similarly be accessible.
  4. Extranational entrepreneurs who have resolved to institute an enterprise translocation to Indonesia, shall gain from the verity that the nation’s corporate levy tariffs are comparatively moderate by universal benchmarks.
  5. The fiscal system has unremittingly chronicled favorable augmentation indices in each trimester of the preceding two decennia. On a mean basis, Indonesia’s economic expansion escalates by approximately 5% annually.
  6. The commercial milieu is propitious for external entrepreneurs. This is principally due to the administration acknowledging that extrinsic financiers can augment fiscal worth to a nation.
  7. Indonesia boasts over 65 bilateral taxation accords.

Should you seek to incorporate a corporation within the archipelago of Indonesia to delve into worldwide bazaars, the fortunate tidings are that as a constituent of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indonesia engages in commerce with nine other affiliated sovereignties, enjoying nominal or nonexistent levies. Other coalition states encompass Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Brunei. Enterprises aspiring to export their wares to alternate markets in the southern expanse of Asia shall find it facile due to Indonesia’s involvement. With ASEAN alone, Indonesia’s mercantile agents may access a populace exceeding 650 million patrons. By the annum 2025, 60% of global economic expansion is prognosticated to emanate from the Asian continent. Due to its ASEAN affiliation, Indonesia also partakes in advantageous commercial avenues to India, China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. All these nations have ratified accords with the Association.

Moreover, extrinsic direct capital infusion into Indonesia has augmented throughout the preceding years owing to the circumstance that since 2015, overseas industrialists may lawfully possess terrain in this nation for edificatory intentions (Hak Guna Bangunan) or utilization (Hak Pakai). We would like to emphasize that solely industrialists with an external enterprise or a legitimate Occupational and Residency Authorization (KITAS) may petition for Hak Pakai.

Easing foreign investment rules in Indonesia

Indonesia's novel capital infusion catalog was unveiled on March 4, 2021, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 10 of 2021 on Capital Infusion Commerce Domains ("Affirmative Register"). Beneath this innovative order, the majority of constraints on extrinsic investment in Indonesia were abrogated from the "adverse directory."

The Beneficial Catalogue signifies a significant liberation of the Indonesian market to external capital infusion. The overarching methodology of the Beneficial Catalogue is that the majority of business domains in Indonesia are accessible to external capital, with the exclusion of a few circumscribed domains: they are either (i) sealed off from external capital or allocated to the Indonesian state; or (ii) accessible to external capital, contingent upon constraints. The Beneficial Catalogue diminished the count of domains wholly shut off from capital infusion from 20 to 6.

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Beneficent Register, there exist four classifications of domains enterprises accessible to external capital in Indonesia:

  • Preeminent domains;
  • Assigned commercial realms for collectives and diminutive, petty, and intermediate ventures;
  • Commercial realms accessible with specific stipulations; and
  • Commercial realms not encompassed in the preceding trifecta and hence entirely susceptible to foreign capital infusion.

A commercial enterprise is deemed of paramount importance if it satisfies the ensuing stipulations: (I) a national strategic initiative or preeminence, (II) capital-consuming, (III) labor-consuming, (IV) avant-garde, (V) groundbreaking, (VI) export-propulsive and/or scholarly, advancement and ingenuity endeavors delineated in Appendix 1 of the “Favorable Catalogue.”

Launch of an investment project in Indonesia

Conforming to your entrepreneurial strategies, there exist merely three categories of commercial establishments accessible to expatriates.


Foreign Capital Limited Liability Company (PT PMA) in Indonesia

Notwithstanding that this represents the most labor-intensive and costly variety of enterprise to inaugurate, the advantages conferred render it deserving of the preliminary tribulations. Primordially, the statutes governing external proprietorship for PT PMA are comparatively lenient. It is feasible to conduct a wholly foreign-held PT PMA without resorting to a collaboration. PT PMA in Indonesia possess identical prerogatives and encumbrances as domestic corporations, irrespective of extrinsic proprietorship. Duty imposition for PT PMA remains beneath the conventional tariff. 

PT PMAs may endorse an unlimited number of expatriate staff, and the structural stipulations necessitate merely 1 overseer, 1 adjudicator, and a bare minimum of 2 progenitors. The baseline endowment for such a juridical persona approximates 700,000 USD, with a requisite of no less than 25% to be remitted upon the firm's formal establishment in Indonesia. 

Should you be contemplating the registration of a PT PMA in Indonesia, it ought to be recollected that such an entity must submit monthly fiscal declarations. To establish a PT PMA in Indonesia, the ensuing prerequisites are necessitated:

  1. Acquiring corporate designation consent.
  2. Formulating and attestation of the Establishment Concord.
  3. Subsequent to finalizing the aforementioned phase, the entity's domicile attestation will be procured from the pertinent administrative bureau.
  4. Securing authorization from the Department of Trade (MT).
  5. Requesting a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).
  6. Petitioning for a Commercial Registration Number (NIB).
  7. Contingent on the business category/geographical domain, an ancillary permit might be requisite.
  8. Subsequent to the enterprise's establishment, it is imperative to inaugurate a corporate financial repository at one of the regional banking institutions. 

Papers necessitated for establishing an account for an enterprise in Indonesia:

  • contributor classification numeral;
  • a facsimile of the corporation's tenancy covenant denoting its juridical domicile in Indonesia;
  • a reproduction of records promulgated by the Capital Aggregation Assembly that sanction corporate inception;
  • constituent manuscripts;
  • duplicates of identification cards of progenitors, administrators;
  • a facsimile of the authorization obtained from the Department of Jurisprudence.

Should any of the aforementioned manuscripts not have been dispensed at the inception of the process of establishing a banking ledger, they may be tendered within a span of one month subsequent to the account's initiation. Our experts are poised to render assistance throughout the entire formalities of account creation in Indonesia.


Indigenous enterprise (PT)

PT is the predominant variant of commercial establishment utilized in Indonesia. In accordance with Indonesian legislation, this particular corporate configuration may be initiated by an overseas progenitor. Prior to commencing a venture in Indonesia in the PT structure, the preliminary consent of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) must be procured.

Should the corporate composition possess an external initiator, the entitlements and duties of the entities are governed by a covenant with the titular proprietor. PT originators may avail themselves of reduced registration expenditures. The accountability of PT originators is circumscribed, and it is considerably more effortless to procure supplementary resources and capital for indigenous enterprises.


Branch/representative office

A branch in Indonesia constitutes an amplification of the foreign principal corporation. The branch shall execute undertakings under the administration of the principal company. This configuration of commerce lacks a discrete juridical entity. Representative offices, or ROs, may be instituted without substantial capital infusion, as registration expenditures are nominal. They are apt for those desiring to augment brand recognition or undertake inquiries on the Indonesian marketplace prior to inaugurating a novel enterprise. Furthermore, RO proprietors are entitled to vouch for employment or residency permits for expatriate staff and advocate for business visas for overseas business associates relocating to Indonesia.

Also, pecuniary undertakings in Indonesia may be effectuated through a consortium or a public corporation. A foreigner desiring to register an enterprise in Indonesia, may elect a consortium with an Indonesian associate, which is typically recorded on Form PMA. To establish this kind of institution, a minimum of two administrators must be designated.

A joint stock company may publicly offer shares to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) in Indonesia. If the paid-up capital is Rs 3 billion and such a company has more than 300 members, then the business must be registered as a public limited company.  

Some basic documents for company registration in Indonesia:

  • Instrument of Foundation and other attested charters.
  • Declaration concerning the appellation.
  • Sanction from the Chancery of Equity.
  • Replicas of extant travel-books of confederates.
  • Epistle of nomination (for governors and originators) from the alien establishment (this shall be requisite for specific bodies such as dependencies and delegations).
  • Enrolment writs of the alien consortium.
  • Epistle of Aspiration (for instituting a dependency or delegation).

The most profitable opportunities for business in Indonesia

The government, as we have said, provides incentives for investors, both fiscal and non-fiscal, and intends to continue to make improvements to the legislative framework. Therefore, build a business and invest in Indonesia it has become simpler, more efficient and more transparent. Profitable Business Opportunities:

  • E-commerce. In 2020, Indonesia had the highest global e-commerce rate, in the same year the gross market value of the industry was estimated at over US$30 billion, and by 2025, it is expected to reach US$83 billion. Thus, e-commerce is one of the most profitable opportunities for starting a business in Indonesia.
  • Tourism industry. Tourism is one of the important sectors for government revenue. Foreign tourist visits to Indonesia tend to increase year by year. Consequently, the tourism industry offers many business opportunities. In addition, the government has introduced a visa-free regime for foreign tourists from 169 countries. This will attract more and more foreigners to Indonesia.
  • Manufacturing industry. As the 10th largest manufacturing country in the world, Indonesia's manufacturing industry has become a popular and promising business opportunity. This lucrative industry is expected to grow much faster because the government has adopted policies to make it easier business licensing and investment in Indonesia. The government also provides certain incentives for investors.
  • Infrastructure and construction. Infrastructure in Indonesia requires improvement, so there is scope for implementation of large investment projects in this area are quite extensive. The government mentionedo, that it intends to invest, including through attracting external investments, US$430 billion in the development of the country’s infrastructure in the period from 2020 to 2024. 
  • Clean energy. Renewable energy sources have enormous potential. The government has set targets to reach 23% renewable energy use by 2025 and 31% renewable energy use by 2050. These goals are achievable as Indonesia has great potential in developing renewable energy sources. The country has many resources for wind, solar and bioenergy development.

Taxation companies in Indonesia

Levied impost on corporate entities varies based on the accrued earnings and classification of the enterprise. The tariff tiers for revenue duties are as follows:

  • the common impost is exacted at a uniform tariff of 22%;
  • state-owned enterprises in which the government retains a stake of 40% are assessed at a levy of 20%;
  • petty enterprises with a yearly revenue not surpassing 50 billion rupees benefit from a 50% alleviation from the typical corporate impost;
  • entities with a yearly yield of no more than 4.8 billion rupees acquire a tariff of 1%.

The customary levy imposition in Indonesia constitutes 11%.


Indonesia possesses the quaternary most substantial economy in Asia, trailing behind China, Japan, and India. The administration is resolved to enhance the commercial milieu, as demonstrated by recent favorable modifications in statutes concerning alien capital authorizations. These are among the commendable motives to establish an enterprise in Indonesia. 

Savants from our consortium, within the framework of advisory facilitation provisions, shall render adept succor in commencing a fiscal venture in Indonesia throughout each juncture of the proceedings.


Do I need to visit Indonesia to register my business?

Indeed, the whole procedure of enlisting an enterprise in Indonesia may be finalized from afar. 

Can foreigners have 100% ownership in an Indonesian company?

Yes, Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) entitles 100% foreign ownership. 

Do you need a visa to open a company in Indonesia?

A mercantile visa or habitation warrant is indispensable for individuals aspiring to inaugurate an enterprise in Indonesia. Our commercial advisers are equipped to elucidate the stipulations of visas for overseas capitalists.