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Enlisting a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone offers non-residents various ways to make their trade. This zone is considered a major component of money related headway for all of China. It is an incredibly basic organization for transnational trade. Since its establishment, the zone has finished up a picture of the openness of the polity's transposing field.

The space was made to streamline trade groupings, ask financing and invigorate progression. Owing to the uncommon extricate criteria that boost the opening of a transpose in the Shanghai FTZ, the put is a basic device for transnational progression. Trade individuals should consider the commonsense straightforwardly to study the prospects of putting up a venture in the Shanghai FTZ. It is required to get to the stages of enrollment and precisely take advantage of the merits of a specific financial space.

Shanghai FTZ Overview

The nation was made in the drop of 2013 as a pilot plot for the execution of monetary changes in the PRC. Its dispatch was to be a portion of the authority's methodology to advance open the household exchange field to exchange and financing in other nations. At first, the range of the zone was 28.78 km², but owing to triumphant advances and interest from tycoon people, it was expanded.

It is an exploratory stage for testing changes in the enrollment of firms in the Shanghai FTZ. This comprises the taking after regions of action: exchange liberalization, transnational trade oversight and disentanglement of oversight sequences.

SHFTZ is situated in a deliberately basic range of China — the city of Shanghai. It is considered among the biggest monetary and transport center points in the world. The topographical area on the coast of the East China Ocean and close to the mouth of the Yangtze Stream makes the zone strategically convenient.

Each of the premises performs a particular work. They make a comprehensive framework to help and create different ranges: from coordinations to logical inquiry about and advancement. SHFTZ is a multi-level stage where business visionaries pick up permission to transnational exchange premises.

Role of SHFTZ in China's opulence and transnational mercantile

By opening a trade in the Shanghai FTZ, a business person gets a basic instrument in China's monetary methodology. It makes a difference to advance the country's position as a worldwide pioneer in transnational exchange. The groupings for enlisting transnational ventures in the Shanghai FTZ have been streamlined, and obstructions to entering the polity's exchanging field have been reduced.

The zone has presented more adaptable components for working with transnational monetary standards. Yangshan Harbour and Pudong Air terminal give proficient coordinations for exchanging. And the accessibility of streamlined traditions clearance groupings is time proficient and bills of transporting goods.

Frizone promotes:

  • Development of worldwide supply chains;
  • Increasing the volume of travel trade;
  • Strengthening China's position as a transpose partner for nations in Asia, Europe and America.

Free permission to help such as protections, healthcare and instruction is open. There is an opportunity to make joint wanders with polity's partners without strict limitations. The zone shows triumphantly coordinating the territorial opulence into worldwide exchanging premises, invigorating the headway of development.

Merits of registering a company in Shanghai FTZ

The domain supplies a wide scope for the headway of organizations of unmistakable bearings, having a combination of particular criteria. The taking after are merits of exchanging in the SHFTZ:

  • Reduced rates of wage exact for firms working in the regions of investigation, tall innovation, innovations and logistics.
  • Exemption from moment obligations on gear used for household production.
  • Simplified VAT discount, which diminishes the monetary burden on export-oriented firms.
  • Registration of an organization in the SHFTZ in a quickened mode and streamlined getting of permits.
  • Trades can utilize a single window to connect with supervisory bodies, which disentangles the enrollment sequence.
  • The FTZ has an unmistakable framework and topographical location.
  • Foreign firms are authorized to build up WFOE in the Shanghai FTZ.
  • Flexible transnational trade exchanges favor lenders to effectively supervise monetary streams between China and other countries.
  • Grants and supplemental motivations are accessible for organizations contributing in need premises.

These criteria make a comfortable circle for expat lenders, making a difference to kill dangers and scale the venture. Uncommon criteria make the polity's free harbour a great put for tycoons looking for worldwide extension.

Statutes governing enterprise registration in Shanghai FTZ

There are a few authoritative acts pointed at making straightforward criteria for performing an extent. These mandates are made to state the reasonableness of the arrangements and the disposal of oversight obstructions for businessmen.

The State Committee of China and the Service of Commerce issue orders governing commerce in the Shanghai Free Exchange Zone.  The fundamental indenture is the Regulation on the Establishment of the SFTA (2013).  It defines the zone's destinations, operational criteria, and primary work premises.

The Law on Companies is dependable for the foundation, reorganization and liquidation of legitimate substances in the SHTSZ and the whole nation. The nation moreover has a Law on Foreign Investments. It ensures induction to the PRC exchanging field inside the system of the "Dark List", which decides limitations on shapes of schemes.

E-commerce teaching is coordinated by the E-Commerce Law. The SHTC has presented extraordinary criteria for the reason for cross-border deals of products. Disentangled traditions clearance for enlisted organizations working in the Shanghai zone is provided for by the Foreign Trade Law. It indicates prerequisites for merchants and exporters. More adaptable rules for dealing with transnational cash are contained in the Foreign Exchange Control Law. At one time, it was made to boost settlements.

Selection of the enterprise structure for creation in Shanghai STZ

This zone offers a few choices for licit shapes. Each of them has its own characteristics and limitations in the Shanghai FTZ for venture enlistment. Picking for a firm structure is an obligatory stage, without which it is outlandish to make a beneficial project.

The adjusted shape of exchanging is decided by looking at the objectives of the firm, the craved level of supporter command, the progression field and the specifics of the movement. Another, we will deliberate the prime shapes of organizations accessible for enlisting a firm in the Shanghai FTZ, and decide which of them is most legitimate to a specific extent.

Forms of companies for registration in the SHFTZ

Having decided to set up a venture in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, it is worth considering many things. Among the first things to focus on is understanding what form of enterprise is appropriate in a particular case. Everything contingent on the needs and level of participation of expat financiers. Each type of organization has its own characteristics, merits and rules. Let's deliberate each of them in more detail.

Joint organizations

Companies made in the SHFTZ through the joint work of expat and neighborhood partners. This frame is appropriate for those wishing to take use of nearby associations, involvement and induction to closed premises of the opulence. The share of transnational support and the neighborhood author is decided by a characteristic assention. The displayed arrangement is appropriate for businesses subject to the imperatives of the "Dark List." The working criteria are coordinated by both national and territorial statutes.

But there is a requirement to facilitate key choices with the relation. Clashes in oversight are conceivable owing to contrasts in corporate culture. There is less command for transnational lenders compared to WFOE.

Completely transnational

WFOEs are organizations that are 100% possessed by expat originators. The arrangement is particularly appealing to those who esteem free oversight the most. The proprietor holds full command over their exchange. WFOEs are encompassed in fabricating, exchange, coordinations, different helps and e-commerce, if their plans do not drop beneath the "Black List."

The enrollment and oversight arrangements are more complicated than for private firms. Be that as it may, this sort of enrolled endeavor in the Shanghai SEZ has a moderately tall level of beginning bills. This moreover comprises the bills of lease and faculty. The requirement to completely comply with all the standards of the polity's enactment is significant.

Branches and representative offices

Another popular form of organization, enrolled in the territory of the SHFTZ not fully. A good option for those who would like to present their brand or carry out commandled schemes in China without a new licit entity.

Since branches are not independent licit entities, they can’t conduct commercial schemes. The exception is marketing and research. The representative office is utilised for trading analysis, product promotion or command over the schemes of associates.

Prerequisites for transnational financiers

The territory offers very good opportunities for expats. However, there are a number of sequences that must be adhered to establish a company in the Shanghai Free Zone. The criteria of state regulators are targeted at ensuring licit stability, conformance with project oversight standards and attracting financing.

Forms of speculation

Expat financiers can register several types of companies in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. When enrolling a WFOE, it is compulsory to provide evidence of the availability of money to form the authorized money. Licit materials confirming the legitimacy of the contributions are also necessitated. In the case of generating a joint venture with a Chinese associate, all agreements and terms of share distribution must be presented.

pecuniary due diligence check

There must be bank statements or pecuniary reports confirming the availability of a sufficient budget to make cash deposits. Details about the schemes of the firm or founder in their home country is compulsory. Base prerequisites for the initial fund are, in most cases, simplified for expat financiers in the polity's FTZ.

Correct enrollment of licit address

Agents must give an address for the foundation of an institution in the Shanghai FTZ. This may well be a leased office space or other reasonable area. The organization must work from a genuine office in the free harbour of China. This address is used for getting official notes and correspondence with the Chinese overseers.

Negative list

As part of the enlistment of a company in the Shanghai FTZ, there is a "Dark List." It confines or disallows agents from other nations from partaking in certain businesses. This list is upgraded frequently. Agents must state that their plans do not drop beneath the imperatives of the list.

Language and social barriers

All official arrangements must be deciphered into Chinese. It is proposed to have Chinese-speaking specialists. It is moreover basic to utilize the help of competent licit and bookkeeping firms. Firms in a few businesses will require authorizing and supplemental endorsements from Chinese administrative bosses.

The sequence of organisation enrollment

There are certain criteria for opening an organization in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. If you ignore some of them, the entrepreneur risks saying goodbye to the idea of prospective income. The sequence can’t be called simple, especially for expat financiers. That is why it is imperative to understand the features of each phase and deliberate the prerequisites in full. In this section, we will get acquainted with the prime stages of enrolling a firm. The details will help to avoid common difficulties and speed up the sequence.

Preliminary phases

Before you begin the sequence of enrolling a Shanghai firm in the free port, it is imperative to complete several preliminary phases. They are created to assert triumphant and timely aid in enrollment. These stages consist of opting for a name for the firm, arranging the compulsory indentures and asserting other key aspects that will be necessitated for further enrollment.

Opting for a firm name

The name is an imperative element of the brand. It must meet certain prerequisites of the polity's statute. The name can’t be the same as the names of firms already enrolled in the SHFTZ. The name must not contain prohibited political, religious or obscene expressions. It must be in Chinese, but can include English or transnational elements.

Mostly, it must correspond to the industry specialization. It is compulsory to submit a request for a preliminary investigation for the uniqueness of the name to the enrollment authority. Then it is compulsory to wait for its approval in accordance with the polity's standards.

Preparation of materials

To triumphantly register an organization in the Shanghai FTZ, it is compulsory to prepare a package of indentures. Founders are necessitated to prepare all materials in Chinese. Next comes notarization of copies of financiers' passports and their pecuniary papers. After this, permits are obtained if the firm plans to engage in directed schemes.

Determining a business address

Every firm must have an official licit address. It is utilised for enrollment of materials and correspondence with supervisory bodies. An enrolled firm must rent an office in the Shanghai FTZ. It is compulsory to contemplate the needs for the area and type of the rented premises. The relevant indentures must be available to confirm the right to use the premises.

Determination of capital structure

To establish an organization in the Shanghai FTZ, it is compulsory to determine the amount of initial money in advance. The polity's authority supplies base criteria for the budget. For some forms of firms, such as WFOE, the base fund varies from 100 to 500 thousand CNY (≈ 13.5 - 68.5 thousand USD). It is also compulsory to distribute parts of the funds between the founders if the firm is not completely transnational.

Prime stages of enrollment

There is a detailed guide to the enrollment sequences. It is undertaken in stages and requires a careful approach. Founders must abide with the provisions of local statutes and directives. Below are the prime phases that an entrepreneur must take to triumphantly start running a trade in the free port of China.

Obtaining the appropriate license

The next phase is to obtain the compulsory permits to start functioning in a new workplace. This takes varying amounts of time. For most firms enrolled in the Shanghai FTZ, it is imperative to get a warrant. In case of planning to engage in directed schemes, a special paper from the relevant supervisors will be necessitated.

Opening a bank account

Next on the agenda is opening a bank account for the firm. Without this, it will not be possible to conduct any pecuniary transactions or deposit the initial money according to the charter into the corporate account. The firm will also not be able to make domestic and transnational payments. To open an account, you will need constituent indentures, a license, and an identity card.

Processing times and costs

In order to properly plan the launch of a trade, it is imperative to be prepared for prospective deadlines, as well as calculate the cost of registering a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. The total time of this sequence is from 2 to 3 months. Everything can change, contingent on individual circumstances. The prime stages and their average terms:

  • Application and name verification: 3 to 7 business days.
  • Receiving approval for enrollment: 15-20 days (if everything is specified correctly).
  • Getting a permit (if necessitated): from 1 to 2 months (contingent on the type of activity).
  • Opening a bank account: 5-7 days (if indentures are submitted on time).

The entire sequence of putting up a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone takes 2-3 months. This is assuming there are no major delays.

As for the monetary expenses, everything is quite subjective here. The rates also differ contingent on the case and the goals of the firm:

  • State enrollment fee: from 3 to 5 thousand CNY (411–685 USD).
  • License fees: CNY 5,000–20,000 (USD 685–2,740).
  • Office rent: from 3 to 10 thousand CNY (411–1,370 USD) per month.
  • Banking aids and account opening: about 1-2 thousand CNY (137-274 USD).
  • Activity permits: from 5 to 30 thousand CNY (685–4,110 USD).
  • Base statutory budget: about 100 thousand CNY (13.7 thousand USD).

The total cost of enrolling an organization in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone can range from CNY 120,000 to CNY 170,000 ().

List of necessitated indentures

When officially opening a firm in the Shanghai Free Economic Zone, owners must furnish a number of things.  The list of indentures must contain:

  • Memorandum of Association. Defines internal rules, obligations, distribution of shares (when relevant), rights.
  • Application for enrollment. Formal request for registration of a company with the regulatory authority of Shanghai FTZ.
  • Copy of ID. All owners (for individuals) and those involved.
  • A copy of the founding indentures. If among the founders is another organisation.
  • Proof of the organization's licit address. This comprises: a lease agreement, a letter from the landlord, and proof of address.
  • Description of the proposed activity. Contains details about the trading field, strategy, future plans and income goals.

To register a company in the SHFTZ for more specific industries, supplemental materials will be necessitated. It is worth consulting with reliable specialists.

Common mistakes in design

There are a few most common botches that tycoons make when enrolling in a commerce in the Shanghai Free Exchange Zone. The enrollment grouping can be complicated. Indeed the smallest botches lead to delays or refusals to produce a firm. Let's take a closer look at the activities that frequently ruin the whole sequence.

Incorrect execution of constituent materials

The inconsistency between agreements and the criteria of the polity's statute is a huge issue. Deficient detail on the dispersion of offers and the obligations of the originators will before long be found and administrative administrators will take action. It is basic to clearly demonstrate the sort of firm, as the prerequisites contrast altogether for each of them.

The legitimate address was chosen incorrectly

To enroll in the Shanghai FTZ, a firm must give proof of leasing an office on the domain. There are cases when firms give invalid or transitory addresses. In such cases, the administrators have each right to deny a transpose. A few ventures can’t be enlisted at a domestic address or in co-working spaces, which leads to issues at the enrollment stage.

Errors in the permit enrollment

Application for commerce enrollment in Shanghai FTZ requires exact and total subtle elements. Fragmented or erroneously filled shapes will result in dismissal of the enrollment. The arrangement plays a basic part in getting exchange grants in the close future. Unpracticed business visionaries regularly do not pay due consideration to this indenture. They do not show the rectified subtle elements of almost the firm's schemes.

Inappropriate choice of capital structure

Some business visionaries do not have the obligatory information to gauge the sum of authorized cash accurately. This involves a refusal to enlist or supplemental bills. Generally, the authorized budget can be renewed in parts over a few a long time. Errors with the prerequisites for base support ought to be avoided.

Lack of consideration to authorizing and industry approvals

Some businesses require supplemental grants to open a trade in the Shanghai Free Zone. The requirement to get these licenses must be taken into account in advancement and shown when submitting an enrollment to supervisory bodies. The nonattendance of basic specialized details for certain shapes of plans will anticipate the grouping from being approved.

Errors when opening an account in one of the banks

Initiating a bank account in China is a basic stage. tycoons who choose to spare on the offer assistance of masters confront troubles owing to the accommodation of inadequate materials, or issues with stores. It is basic to select a bank in advancement that works with official transnational endeavors in the Shanghai FTZ. The point is that not all banks acknowledge such firms, particularly at the introductory stages.

Excise recording errors

It is basic to enroll the organization with the exact specialists of China in an opportune and adjusted way. Something else, fines and issues with exchanging will emerge. A few businessmen do not utilize all conceivable merits or do not take after changes in exact rules. In this way, they hazard drawing non obligatory bills by paying non obligatory demands.

Accounting capital and its prerequisites

The founders of the firm must have a certain amount of funds. This is compulsory to open a business in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone without any obstacles, getting rid of obvious risks. The prerequisites for the initial budget vary contingent on the type of firm and its range of schemes. It is imperative to correctly calculate and contribute the compulsory fund to avoid delays in the sequence of enrollment of materials. Let's consider how much the authorized amount is, approximately.

Type of organisation

Initial fund amount


Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE)

100 thousand CNY

For most industries. However, specific premises will require more.

Joint Ventures


Contingent on the shares of the Chinese and transnational associates. Determined individually.

The sequence of depositing the authorized fund into the balance sheet of the enterprise in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone for registration has its own peculiarities. It is compulsory to confirm the legality of the origin of the money. The authorized money is deposited into a corporate account in the polity's bank.

The amount is entered in full or in parts. For most companies in the SHFTZ, at least 20% of the total amount must be entered into the balance in the first 3 months. The rest is entered over the next 1–2 years.

Consequences of failure to contribute capital on time

It is not adequate to essentially enroll a venture in the Shanghai Free Exchange Zone. If it does not fulfill its commitments accurately and inside the created timeframes, this may lead to a number of negative consequences.

When a firm comes up short to contribute the base required capital on time, controllers force fines. The sum shifts unexpectedly on the sum of cash extraordinary and the length of the delay. The firm may be suspended, its oversight fined, or its resources frozen.

If the budget of a formally opened organization in the SHFTZ is not recharged inside the indicated period, it may not get authorization for commercial plans. The Chinese bank is authorized to solidify the account or deny opening it. This will truly complicate the execution of installments and transfers.

In case of noteworthy infringement or long delays, the specialist chooses to cancel the enrollment. This will too contrarily influence the firm's notoriety in the eyes of territorial and transnational partners. The SHFTZ supplies different merits and appropriations for official firms. In any case, to get them, the firm must circumspectly comply with all supervisory prerequisites.

The sequence of enrollment for excise purposes

Excise enrollment is key to running a project. It approves you to officially pay levies, receive merits and avoid oversight sanctions. After registering a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, you should not delay arranging documentation for the registry in Chinese overseers and asserting the excise regime.

You will definitely need the following materials:

  • Trade license issued by the Administration of Industry and Commerce;
  • Clearly written venture charter;
  • Confirmation of the contribution of the designated monetary capital;
  • Identification data of the director and founders;
  • A lease agreement for the premises or papers that can prove the official existence of a genuine address.

Next, the owner submits a petition to generate a firm to the local excise overseers of the SHFTZ. You need to contact the department at the location of the firm. Details about the trade, its excise category and expected income is indicated. Part of the enrollment is asserting the type of exercise regime. The authority agency vets the details and issues a distinct tax identification number (TIN).

Tax rates and their application in the SHFTZ

To find out the details of enterprise taxation in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, please refer to the data in the table below:

Tax type





For all firms, except for preferential categories.

For high-tech


For high-tech organizations. They may qualify for reduced rates.



For a number of goods/services there are rates of 3%, 6% and 9%.

For capital gains


For profits from the sale of shares and other assets.

For dividends


For dividends paid to financiers.

When registering an organization, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone offers various merits and simplified rates. It is worth discussing this in more detail with a consultant of a consulting firm.

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Opening a bank account

A bank account is obligatory for performing money related exchanges. Without making one, it will not be conceivable to: contribute cash to the adjustment, pay for the help of providers, make exact calculations and pay pay rates to specialists. You can utilize the help of Shanghai Pudong Improvement Bank, Hongkong and Shanghai Managing an account Organization, Mechanical and Commercial Bank of China and other institutions.

The prime stages of opening an account for a venture in the Shanghai Free Zone incorporate selecting for a bank. Here you require to depend on the specifics of the exchange. It is moreover basic to contemplate the requirement for transnational exchanges. To make an account, you will require to have the taking after materials:

  • Corroboration of enrollment of the venture in the Shanghai Free Exchange Zone;
  • The constitution of the firm, taking into account all the prerequisites;
  • Company seal (including for monetary transactions);
  • Personal arrangements of people holding oversight positions;
  • Protocol of the authors on the foundation of the organization;
  • Certificate of installment of the starting budget (in the event that it has as of now been paid).

An enrollment for opening an account is submitted to a department of the bank SHFTZ. Numerous of them require the individual nearness of the supervisor or authorized agent. A few educators offer the plausibility of sending online enrollments.

The bank explores all the arrangements inside 5-10 commerce days. If endorsed, the institution supplies the company opened in the Shanghai SEZ with the account subtle elements. At this organization, an individual manager can be doled out to manage monetary sequences.

Several shapes of sets are defined:

  • Reserve - used for storing and putting away the authorized money.
  • Basic - made for every day schemes.
  • Transnational - required for firms encompassed in transnational monetary action and performing exchanges in transnational cash.

Intellectual Property oversight

Intellectual property is of key importance in protecting the distinct assets of a registered company in the Shanghai FTZ. In China, it is compulsory to register a trademark through the China National Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA). Without this, the brand will not be protected even if it is known outside the country. The sequence usually takes 6 to 9 months.

There are also patents. They are divided into:

  • Inventions - protection period is 20 years.
  • Utility models – protection period is 10 years.
  • Industrial designs - protection period is 10 years.

To apply for patent protection in CNIPA, a description of the invention or design must be prepared. The enrollment period lasts about 2 years for inventions, up to 6 months for industrial designs. It is suggested to consult patent agents to avoid errors in filing materials.

The copyright protection of an organization registered in the SHFTZ extends to works created by individuals and licit entities. They must be entered into the register of the China Copyright Center. Review period: up to 1 month.

Simplified sequences for filing enrollments for registration of a firm's IP in the Shanghai FTZ have been introduced, which reduces the processing time. China is a party to key transnational agreements. The FTZ has strict penalties for firms that violate intellectual property rights.

Register your trademark and patents early to minimize the risk of copying. Monitoring competitors' products helps prevent prospective conflicts. Use the aid of lawyers who specialize in IP. Implement a conformance and protection policy at manufacturing facilities and with suppliers.

Legal obligations of a company when registering with the SHFTZ

Putting up a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone requires conformance with a number of obligations. These include proper bookkeeping and filing of reports for each year. Strict conformance with local statutes and responsibility for violation of rules is compulsory. Without these aspects, it is impossible to maintain the reputation and fulfilled functioning of the firm in the licit field of China.

Accounting and annual reporting

All enrolled organizations are supposed to keep double-entry bookkeeping. They must adhere to official Chinese standards. Having admittance to licit aids for enrolling a firm in the Shanghai FTZ and further licit scheme, an entrepreneur will be able to learn about all the imperative nuances. For transnational firms, reporting must be prepared in Chinese and using the national currency.

Firms are mandated to submit an annual pecuniary report to SAMR. Deadline: 30 June of the following year. Firms with transnational capital are necessitated to undergo an independent audit annually.

Responsibility for violation of legislation

Fines are imposed for late filing of reports or excise returns. Up to CNY 10,000 for the first failure. Larger penalties are imposed for repeated violations. Enrolled firms in the Shanghai FTZ that repeatedly violate the statute will have their trade permit revoked.

In cases of fraud, excise evasion or other serious violations, the oversight is subject to criminal liability. Mostly, imprisonment may follow. There is also a SAMR blacklist. It restricts violators from participating in tenders, obtaining loans and concluding contracts.

Recommendations for conformance with licit obligations

Hire an accountant familiar with polity’s accounting standards. This will reduce the likelihood of errors in pecuniary reporting. Cooperate with a competent law firm. They will help you understand the intricacies of the legislation. Regular internal audits will not hurt. Keep transparent documentation and avoid excise evasion.

Common problems and solutions

Understanding common problems and their solutions will help avoid delays and supplemental bills. Registering a company in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is accompanied by various difficulties.

Problem: The organization name does not comply with SAMR prerequisites.


  • Investigate the uniqueness of the name through the official SAMR databases;
  • Use a backup list of 3-5 name options in case of rejection.

Problem: Indentures supplied contain errors or are not translated into Chinese.


  • Please contact a professional business registration agent in Shanghai FTZ;
  • Please vet the current criteria on official resources or by consulting with local overseers.

Problem: failure to comply with the prerequisites of the statutory budget or violation of the deadlines for its submission.


  • Determine in advance the necessitated amount for the selected type of firm;
  • Open a bank account for your trade before submitting paperwork for enrollment.

Problem: Entrepreneurs do not deliberate the limitations and merits of each form, which leads to licit and pecuniary difficulties.


  • Consult with lawyers familiar with local legislation;
  • Consider the objectives and planned level of participation of transnational associates.

Problem: errors in filling out excise forms or misunderstanding of preferential rates in the SHFTZ when creating a company.


  • Enlist the aid of a professional accountant;
  • Prepare all pecuniary-related materials in strict conformance with excise statutes.

Problem: long enrollment checks owing to high workload of supervisory bodies or insufficient preparation of indentures.


  • Plan the process of registering an organization in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in advance;
  • Prepare a complete set of acts, certificates, references and agreements.

Problem: Most materials and sequences require knowledge of Chinese, making it difficult for overseas entrepreneurs to interact.


  • hire a translator or consultant who is fluent in Chinese;
  • Use professional aids to create an organization.

These phases will help entrepreneurs not only speed up the process of registering a business in the SHFTZ, but also create a stable foundation for the fulfilled implementation of the project.

Liquidation sequences

During the liquidation of a company in the Shanghai Free Economic Zone, all licit obligations to regulators, associates and clientele are fulfilled. The sequence is strictly directed by polity's statute and involves several stages. The prime reasons for closing:

  • Inability to maintain operational schemes owing to debt or lack of profit.
  • If the firm was enrolled for a limited period and it was never extended.
  • The decision of the founders to move the trade to another jurisdiction or change the trade model.
  • Liquidation may be forced in the event of serious violations of the statute.
  • Merger, acquisition or change of licit form.

The arrangement of closing an organization in the Shanghai FTZ comprises a number of stages. The authors of the firm make an official choice in composing. A dependable liquidation committee is made to supervise the grouping. The arrangement is formalized in the Advertise Direction Specialist. Extract managers, the bank and other supervisors are too notified.

The firm distributes an official take note of liquidation in state media. This way, leaders can learn around the circumstances in time and yield their claims. Settlements with lenders, specialists and partners are embraced until completion. All monetary accounts must be closed.

The official seals of the organization are returned to the enrollment administrators. After all commitments have been satisfied, the undertaking gets official affirmation of the completion of liquidation from the SHFTZ. All exchanges related to the closure are subject to confirmation for conformance with China's transnational transpose orders.

Government support for enrolling a company in the SHFTZ

The government aggressively encourages business advancement in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone through incentives. Entrepreneurs are offered schemes, subsidies and other forms of support. These initiatives are aimed at creating a favorable trade climate. They guarantee greater attraction of transnational financings and stimulation of innovation.

Prime government schemes and subsidies: 

Subsidy program for innovative start-ups.

Objective: to aid high-tech start-up firms working in the field of artificial intelligence, big data, biotechnology and other strategically important industries.

Suitable for: SMEs enrolled in the SHFTZ with an innovative idea.

What it supplies:

  • Grant for starting a trade - up to CNY 1 million.
  • Compensation for patent expenses - up to CNY 200,000 per invention.

Results: triumphant launch of more than 500 startups. 

Subsidy program for transnational financiers.

Objective: to lure transnational direct speculation.

Suitable for: WFOE and joint ventures.

What it supplies:

  • Partial reimbursement of enrollment bills - up to CNY 300,000.
  • Preferential excise rates - up to 15% instead of the standard 25% on corporate income excise for high-tech firms.

Results: Luring over 1,000 transnational firms.

Logistics and trade advancement program.

Objective: To aid firms in the field of transnational trade, warehouse logistics and cross-border e-commerce.

Suitable for: firms functioning in the fields of export, import, warehouse logistics and e-commerce.

What it supplies:

  • Subsidies for construction of warehouse facilities - up to 2 million CNY.
  • Marketing expense compensation - up to CNY 500,000.

Results: a reduction in expenses of companies registered in the Shanghai FTZ by an average of 15%.

Research and Development Support Fund.

Objective: to stimulate scientific research and development in the territory of the SHFTZ.

Suitable for: organizations in the fields of IT, medical technology, energy and ecology.

What it supplies:

  • Reimbursement of up to 50% of research expenses (maximum CNY 3 million).
  • Merits for renting laboratories in incubators.

Results: implementation of more than 200 new technologies and patents.

Objectives of state support

State schemes in the SHFTZ provide significant merits when creating enterprises, simplifying the sequence. These initiatives make the territory among the most attractive sites for trade in Asia. The prime goals:

  • creation of a competitive trade sphere for transnational and local firms;
  • support for high-tech industries and strategically important premises;
  • reducing project oversight bills through the advancement of logistics and a distribution network;
  • advancement of SMEs that create new jobs.

Assistance from professional legal and consulting aids

To diminish time costs, minimize the dangers of refusal or mistakes, tycoons turn to pros. Proficient help in enlisting a commerce in the FEZ of Shanghai will offer assistance to go through all the stages effectively and without misfortunes. Experts offer assistance to collect all the materials, guaranteeing conformance with the polity's statutes. The rightness of the interpretation is checked by competent individuals. At that point the agreements are certified by a notary.

Our firm will help you in selecting the appropriate trade structure based on the clientele's targets. The impacts of the chosen structure are examined. Bookkeeping administrations for businesses in the Shanghai Free Exchange Zone are no less particular. As a result, our masters give comprehensive clarifications of current extract rates and benefits. Help in selecting a legitimate bank and speeding of the account setting up handle are ensured.


Registering a company in the Shanghai Free Exchange Zone in detail opens up wide openings for business visionaries. There is a great opportunity to enter among the biggest world exchange premises and pick up a decent footing in it. SHFTZ offers particular merits and prospects for firm growth.

A well-considered choice of the organizational and licit shape and high-quality planning of documentation will offer assistance to kill dangers at the introductory organize. And the utilization of proficient counseling helps ensure greatest effectiveness in the utilization of resources.

For a legitimately enlisted firm, the Shanghai FTZ is an effective instrument for exchange progression. It is a great catalyst for creating modern thoughts, growing exchange ties and fortifying positions in the transnational field. Picking for the Shanghai FTZ is selecting for energetic advancement, worldwide openings and monetary soundness.