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This treatise delves into the boons of instituting a mercantile consortium within the Zhejiang Unshackled Trade Precinct, a burgeoning cosmopolitan emporium, elucidating its propitious entrepreneurial milieu, auspicious geomorphology, and ingress to both endogenous and exogenous marketplaces. It likewise expounds upon the labyrinthine formalities of constituting juridical constructs, sanctioned pecuniary pursuits, and idiosyncratic mercantile undertakings.

Key Benefits establishing a business in Zhejiang Preferential Trade Zone 

Zhejiang endures as one of the most remunerative mercantile domains for endowment, owing to its well-established manufactural foundation, steadfast internal marketplace, and advantageous entrepreneurial ambiance. Furthermore, the province is assiduously luring overseas endowments, exhibiting a surge in pecuniary infusion into avant-garde and export-centric enterprises.

Sustainable economic development

Zhejiang Province commands a preeminent stance in terms of pecuniary augmentation amidst Chinese territories. By the culmination of 2023, the region's aggregate regional yield burgeoned by 6%, attaining 8.25 trillion yuan (roughly 1.16 trillion United States dollars). This datum corroborates the unwavering kinetics of advancement, even amidst pervasive economic tribulations.

Location and connection to global markets

Zhejiang is situated along the eastern littoral of China and constitutes an integral segment of the Maritime Silk Road, a pivotal conduit within the Belt and Road Initiative. The existence of the port of Ningbo, ranked among the triad of preeminent harbors globally in terms of freight throughput, ensures ingress to transnational trade channels.

Owing to its propitious positioning, the locality functions as a nexus for enterprises dispatching goods to the nations of the Asia-Pacific expanse, Europe, and the Americas. This tactical preeminence curtails logistical expenditures and expedites consignments, thereby augmenting the enterprise's competitiveness on the planetary stage.

Preference programs and investor protection

The Zhejiang FTZ proffers momentous pecuniary indulgences, attenuating the levy on commercial undertakings in cardinal domains such as avant-garde innovations, environmentally scrupulous fabrication, and outbound trade-centric ventures to 15%. Customs-related dispensations curtail expenditures for mercantile establishments, fostering fiscal augmentation. Exogenous capitalists are shielded via fiduciary bulwark schemes, whilst bureaucratic institutions furnish succor throughout entrepreneurial maturation, encompassing covenant composition and proprietary entitlements.

Ease of doing business

China garners eminence for expediting administrative ceremonials for entrepreneurs, epitomized by the reconstitution of provincial legal frameworks and the amelioration of conscription modalities within the Zhejiang Mercantile Emancipation Enclave. Intangible architectures have curtailed chronological disbursements and precipitated the accreditation course alongside the registrational ordination of juridical personages in Zhejiang. This apparatus consolidated the tendering of dossiers and the acquisition of requisite sanctions and attestations through a solitary ingress. 

Availability of experienced specialists and developed infrastructure

The region is renowned for its elevated echelon of erudition and vocational grooming of the populace. It harbors a multitude of academies and scholarly institutes, granting access to eminently adept individuals, particularly in the realms of technological innovations, engineering feats, and administrative acumen.

Zhejiang's contemporary framework—a sophisticated latticework of thoroughfares, railways, and logistical nexuses—facilitates the expeditious orchestration of provisions both within the domestic expanse and overseas. The proliferation of digital superstructure, encompassing ultrafast connectivity and electronic utilities for enterprises, renders the operations of entities exceedingly practicable.

Specialization in high-tech and export-oriented industries

Specialization of the Zhejiang Free Trade Region concentrates on realms such as electronic apparatuses, automotive conveyances, pharmacological endeavors, and primordial matter refinement. Owing to this, the Accord on Unrestricted Commerce proves particularly advantageous for entities functioning within avant-garde domains of the economy.

In 2023, Zhejiang garnered upwards of 1.2 trillion yuan in benefactions for progressive ventures, underscoring its stature in China's industrial expansion and cultivating a propitious milieu for technological establishments.

Simplified customs procedures

Zhejiang's customs paradigm diminishes freight arbitration expenses, to the advantage of multinational trade and exportation corporations. Tax-free temporary storage establishments and logistic nodes curtail conveyance expenditures and augment merchandise efficacy, consequently diminishing conveyance costs.

Guide to registration of a legal entity in Zhejiang

Establishing an enterprise in the Zhejiang Preferential Trade Zone necessitates the methodical execution of a series of phases, and the whole procedure demands meticulous attention to paperwork and adherence to indigenous statutory criteria.

Progressive undertakings encompass:

  1. Selecting the organizational and juridical configuration of the establishment. The preliminary phase entails ascertaining the lawful framework of the corporation that most aptly aligns with the commercial aims. Each of these possesses distinct peculiarities pertaining to capital norms, the accountability of the originators, and the degree of bureaucratic encumbrance. This determination exerts a profound influence on the subsequent procedure of the enrollment of the institution in the Zhejiang precinct.
  2. Denomination sequestration constitutes a juridical protocol that assigns an exclusive establishment conforming to Cathayan legal tenets, necessitates validation in Putonghua, may necessitate a temporal span of one to triad mercantile diurnals, and risks repudiation upon noncompliance.
  3. The Zhejiang FTZ requires the creation of legal instruments, including charters, cooperation compacts, and affiliation missives, to establish an enterprise, ensuring they adhere to Chinese jurisprudential principles and are notarized if the initiator is an extrinsic body.
  4. The supplication for the establishment of a juridical entity in the Zhejiang bailiwick may be tendered via a "unified ingress" mechanism, which optimizes liaisons with state organs. The entreaty encompasses particulars regarding the syndicate’s appellation, constitutive paraphernalia, a domicile tenancy covenant, as well as stewards and progenitors. This contrivance economizes temporal resources and mitigates administrative encumbrances, given that the decree interval is contingent upon the meticulousness of the manuscripts.
  5. Request scrutiny. Upon submission of the documents, the overseer assesses their conformity with statutory requisites. This typically spans from 5 to 15 working days. Should it be requisite, the overseer might solicit supplementary data or amendments to the documents. For instance, the particulars of the articles of association may undergo elucidation, or the fiscal assurances of the originators might be scrutinized. It is paramount to vigilantly observe the appraisal procedure and promptly address solicitations to preclude hindrances.
  6. Securing a charter of establishment. Upon the endorsement of the petition, the enterprise is bestowed with a charter of establishment, colloquially referred to as a Commercial License. This parchment affirms that the entity is ceremoniously recorded and holds the privilege to function within the confines of the Zhejiang Free Trade Zone. 

Deadlines and cost of registering an enterprise in Zhejiang Facilitated Trade Zone

The formation of an entity within the Zhejiang FTZ typically spans from 15 to 45 days, contingent upon the intricacy of the corporate framework and the thoroughness of the documentation tendered. The expenditure for the procedure fluctuates based on the nature of the institution. For instance, the registration of a WFOE may incur fees starting from 9500 yuan (approximately 1300 USD), exclusive of governmental levies, notarial charges, and translation of records. Liaison offices and subsidiaries are more economical but are encumbered with restrictions concerning the scope of commercial undertakings. Supplementary expenditures may encompass potential licensing fees if the enterprise is governed by particular statutes.

Basic Varieties of legal forms of enterprises in Zhejiang Economic and Trade Zone

Let us contemplate three principal varieties of juridical structures for commercial undertakings within this Zone of Unencumbered Commerce.

Enterprise with 100% foreign capital 

A WFOE is an entirely foreign juridical body that can execute commercial endeavors within the People's Republic of China sans the involvement of domestic collaborators, bears total accountability, and is governed pursuant to regional legal norms. This type of establishment is sanctioned to partake in production, commerce, advisory, or servile undertakings within the authorized domains.

Merits of founding an exclusively possessed entity within the Zhejiang Free Trade Enclave:

  • Unmitigated hegemony over the conglomerate and its pursuits;
  • The prerogative to repatriate pecuniary accruals extraterritorially subsequent to the discharge of levies;
  • Ensconcing of cognitive proprietorship and modus operandi;
  • Facilitated protocol for the instauration and dissolution of an establishment vis-à-vis alternative juridical frameworks;
  • Plasticity in administration and adjudication.

For the majority of endeavors, statutory provisions do not prescribe a baseline magnitude of sanctioned capital within China. Nevertheless, regional bodies may proffer a particular quantum contingent upon the domain of commerce. The sanctioned capital must be commensurate with the projected undertaking and encompass operational outlays until it attains fiscal autonomy. Equity capital may be furnished incrementally over a designated term (typically extending to two annual cycles).

Joint company 

A JVis an alliance between overseas financiers and Chinese entities or individuals. It may be constituted as a joint-stock corporation with restricted accountability. It is subdivided into two categories—joint-stock and cooperative.

Perquisites of instituting a joint venture in Zhejiang:

  • Attainment of ingress to regional markets and assets via alliances with the Sinic counterpart;
  • The capacity to utilize extant infrastructural frameworks and commercial conduits;
  • Mitigation of perils tied to cultural and legislative divergences.

The quantum of sanctioned capital requisite for the undertaking of commerce in China, as stipulated by the contracting entities in the consortium pact. In equity joint ventures, the stakeholders' participatory quotas are apportioned in correspondence to their endowments to the irrevocable capital. In contractual entities, the apportionment of revenue and perils may exhibit pliability and not mandatorily correspond to the contributions.


The RO is not a juridical person and is precluded from engaging in income-producing endeavors. Its duties are confined to promotional efforts, market analysis, public engagement, and assistance to the principal entity.

Merits of inaugurating a representative bureau within the Zhejiang Preferential Trade Zone:

  • Uncomplicated and swift enrollment;
  • modest operational expenses;
  • an opportunity to scrutinize the market prior to establishing a bona fide establishment.

Taxation of companies in Zhejiang

Let us scrutinize the prevailing fiscal levies and privileges within this Free Trade Zone.

Corporate income tax 

The normative fiscal levy on corporate earnings in China stands at 25% for domiciled entities. Nevertheless, in Zhejiang, attenuated levies may be applicable to select classifications of establishments. For instance, to avant-garde technological firms. If they are formally accredited by the authorities, the charge diminishes to 15%. The requisites for acquiring the designation of an avant-garde technological firm in China encompass substantial capital infusion in research and innovation, proprietorship of intellectual assets, and adherence to paramount sectors of technological advancement.

Businesses engaged in certain types of activities, such as industrial modernization, innovation development, and environmentally friendly technologies, may qualify for additional tax breaks and deductions.

Value added tax 

Excess levy of value in China stands as a principal covert tax and pertains to the majority of commodities and services. Fundamental rates of such levy:

  • 13 % — pertains to the vendition and importation of the majority of commodities, encompassing fabricated articles and select services;
  • 9 % — denotes the provision of wares and services such as gaseous substances, aqueous resources, electric current, conveyance services, rudimentary telecommunication services, and real estate development;
  • 6 % — applies to the rendering of services, including pecuniary services, contemporary offerings (research, informatics, consultancy), and leasing of real property;
  • 0 % — the exportation of goods and specific services is subject to a null VAT rate, enabling enterprises to procure a reimbursement of input VAT remitted.

Tax on dividends 

Emoluments disbursed to extrinsic investors from Chinese corporations are liable to a 10% retention levy. Nevertheless, this tariff may be diminished pursuant to bilateral taxation accords that the People’s Republic of China has forged with an array of nations. For instance, should a double fiscal concord be operative between the PRC and the investing polity, the emolument levy rate might be abated to 5% or even lower, contingent upon the fulfillment of specific stipulations.

Available benefits and tax treaties in Zhejiang zone

The registration of a corporation in Zhejiang is pecuniarily advantageous, as it affords the opportunity to exploit a multitude of fiscal exemptions and privileges.

As previously noted, established avant-garde enterprises may avail themselves of a diminished corporate levies rate of 15%, alongside supplementary allowances for research and development disbursements.

Entities are empowered to secure an exceptional abatement for investigative and developmental expenditures. For industrial firms, this abatement may ascend to 75% of authentic outlays, thereby attenuating the taxable base.

Firms qualifying as petite businesses possess the prospect of reaping a reduced corporate taxation rate of up to 20%, and, in particular instances, an even lesser rate.

Corporate bodies may bask in advantages when importing apparatus and materials, being absolved from import duties and VAT upon the entry of certain commodities designated for their exclusive use.

Experimental initiatives to ease foreign exchange regulations, now enacted in this Free Trade Zone, streamline cross-border remittances and currency metamorphosis.

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Requirements for companies in Zhejiang Free Trade Zone after registration

These pledges are directed at guaranteeing lucidity, jurisprudence, and enduring commercial evolution. Beneath are the principal stipulations that enterprises must accomplish.

Compliance with Know Your Customer standards

Entities must institute client identification protocols to avert illicit financial dealings and deception. To achieve this, one must amass and authenticate the veracity of particulars concerning their patrons, encompassing personal data, identification credentials, and legal status details for corporate clientele. It is equally paramount to periodically scrutinize clients' fiscal operations to detect anomalous or dubious conduct.

Implementation of regulations Anti-Money Laundering

China's custodians accentuate the suppression of pecuniary purification by enacting anti-pecuniary purification canons and precepts, guaranteeing personnel's cognizance of extant methodologies, and divulging any dubious undertakings to magistrates as requisite.

Financial reporting and Fiscal obligations in Zhejiang FTZ

Entities are obligated to preserve fiscal chronicles in conformity with the Chinese benchmarks. They must tender economic declarations and tributary returns punctually and undergo their fiscal declarations scrutinized annually by accredited public accountants within China.

Procedure for creating a bank account for a legal entity in Zhejiang 

Having effectuated the inception of an establishment within the Zhejiang Preferential Trade Zone, it becomes exigent to institute a corporate account for pecuniary transactions. Initially, one must opt for an apposite monetary institution. A predominant multitude of enterprises repose their faith in immense state-affiliated banks of the People’s Republic of China, such as the Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the China Construction Bank. A contingent of foreign financial establishments also persist in maintaining a foothold within China and are competent in furnishing services to multinational entities.

The requisite documentation should be assiduously assembled in a fashion such as the ensuing:

  • Original and verified facsimile of the corporate registration attestation;
  • Statutes and writings encapsulating specifics of the entity’s constitution and commitments;
  • Facsimiles of credential documents of the corporate representative and other authorized persons;
  • Corporate seal and imprint of the financial bureau;
  • Tenancy accord or deed of ownership.

Pecuniary edifices in China necessitate colloquies antecedent to inaugurating a mercantile annal. A juridical emissary must be in attendance, and exhaustive manuscripts alongside interrogatories are imperative. The establishment may execute autarkic corroboration of mercantile undertakings as an adjunct to KYC and AML stratagems. The procedure endures from a septenary to a quattuor-septimanary span, contingent on the establishment and compendiums.

Currency transactions

A RMB account is requisite for internal dealings and fiscal obligations. Should an entity envisage transnational endeavors, it may avail itself of the opportunity to establish a foreign-denominated account post acquiring the requisite authorizations.

To effectuate exchanges in the denominations of foreign lands, one must enlist the establishment with the State Bureau of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). This undertaking necessitates the submission of supplementary documentation and the receipt of sanction for transnational financial transfers.

Basic business areas in Zhejiang Preferential Trade Zone

Let's look at the five most popular areas for business in this province of China. 

Petrochemical industry

Zhejiang FTZ constitutes a pivotal petrolic rectification nexus in Cathay, its framework encompassing the preeminent oleaginous purgation facility in Ningbo alongside unrefined petroleum repositories. The haven orchestrates a quarter of the aggregate unrefined hydrocarbon ingress into the Celestial Empire. The petrochemical sphere within Zhejiang’s Privileged Mercantile Enclave is buttressed by undertakings such as the Zhejiang Petrochemical Consortium conglomerate, which transmutes in excess of forty million metric quintals of crude per annum.

Logistics and warehousing

Establishing a Logistics Establishment in the Zhejiang Free Trade Zone persists advantageous, as its vicinity to the harbor of Ningbo, which occupies the foremost position globally in terms of container terminal flux, has rendered Zhejiang province one of China's preeminent logistics epicenters. The harbor manages upwards of 30 million TEU (twenty-foot container equivalent) per annum, rendering it essential for enterprises engaged in export and import.

The area furnishes contemporary repository structures equipped with mechanized freight manipulation apparatus. This holds particular significance for enterprises managing commodities that necessitate specific stowage, such as pharmaceuticals and victuals. Furthermore, within Zhejiang, there exists the opportunity for provisional safekeeping of wares free from fiscal imposition, thereby diminishing logistical expenditures for commercial entities.

International trade

Zhejiang actively promotes the development of global trade, providing businesses with a number of significant advantages. Simplified customs procedures can significantly reduce the time for cargo clearance; for example, for the import of goods, clearance takes only 24 hours, which makes the zone one of the most efficient in China.

Tax preferences for enterprises in Zhejiang Free Trade Zone, for example, exemption from customs duties for re-export operations, attract large trading organizations here. In 2023, the volume of international trade through Zhejiang exceeded 300 billion yuan (about 41 billion USD). Particularly popular trade items were electronics, textiles and consumer goods sent to countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and America.

High-tech production

Zhejiang FCZ ardently champions the advancement of cutting-edge sectors, such as electronics, biotechnology, and medical apparatus. The zone is endowed with grant schemes for enterprising legal entities and additionally furnishes ingress to investigative infrastructure.

In 2023, capital infusion into Zhejiang’s avant-garde domain surpassed 500 billion yuan (approximately 68 billion USD). Among the preeminent undertakings are the fabrication of semiconductors for electronics and apparatus for medical diagnostics. The locality vigorously entices global consortiums, proffering them advantageous circumstances for the localization of manufacturing.

Financial services

Divisions of prominent Chinese financial establishments, such as the Bank of China and ICBC, in addition to global fiscal entities, are inscribed within Zhejiang. These establishments dispense an extensive array of provisions, encompassing commercial credit, cross-border indemnification, and capital stewardship. Singular focus is allocated towards the evolution of virtual finance within the Zhejiang Freeze Zone. The zone fosters avant-garde ventures pertaining to blockchain innovations and fintech interfaces. This facilitates enterprises in accelerating financial reconciliations, augmenting transactional clarity, and mitigating perils.

Basic laws And business regulations in Zhejiang Freeze Zone

Companies based in this territory are subject to both national laws of the People's Republic of China and specific regulations in force in Zhejiang. 

Basic legal acts 

The Corporate Statute of the People's Republic of China dictates the inception, governance, dissolution, and enrollment of enterprises in China.

The Extranational Capital Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates the juridical scaffold for extraterritorial investment.

The Comprehensive Blueprint for the China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone delineates its evolutionary stratagem, principal aims, and normative structure.

The Regulatory Decrees on Free Trade Zones set forth universal mandates and imperatives for the oversight and operation of free trade enclaves in China.

The Statute of the People's Republic of China on Corporate Revenue Levy governs the taxation of corporate earnings, encompassing exceptional privileges for enterprises within the free trade enclaves of China.

Decrees on customs oversight in free trade zones delineate the protocols for customs expediture, import-export dealings, and surveillance of commodities.

The Regulations on Foreign Currency Surveillance govern foreign exchange dealings, cross-boundary remittances, and the management of foreign currency perils for corporations within the preferential commercial precinct.

The PRC Edict on the Safeguarding of Intellectual Property Entitlements affords juridical protection to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual assets.

It is important to do everything Regulation of Zhejiang Free Trade Zone on Enterprise Registration and Management - these are specific rules for registration, licensing and management of companies operating in a given province.

Basic licenses for enterprises in Zhejiang 

Prior to embarking on an entrepreneurial enterprise in Zhejiang, it is paramount to apprehend the requisite permits for a particular commercial paradigm owing to the variegated industries and market peculiarities, which necessitate an all-encompassing certification framework to uphold corporate probity and veracity. 


Basic requirements for registration of a company in Zhejiang

How to get

License for food production 

Availability of sanitary conditions, compliance with safety standards, inspection of equipment and raw materials, availability of quality certificates

Submit an application through OSS, provide technical documentation, results of inspections of sanitary and epidemiological services, HACCP or ISO certificates (if available)

Medical license

at registration of companies in China

Compliance with medical standards, availability of qualified personnel (certificates of doctors, pharmacists), equipment of premises according to standards

Submit an application to the Department of Health via OSS, attach specialist diplomas, floor plans, protocols for the purchase of medicines and equipment

Chemical production license

Confirmation of safe working conditions, environmental compliance protocols, waste disposal and emissions control systems

Contact the Department of Ecology and Industry, provide environmental reports, disposal plans, safety certificates, submit an application via OSS

License to provide IT services 

Establishment of a legal entity in Zhejiang Free Trade Zone, confirmation of technical capabilities, availability of specialists with specialized education, compliance with cybersecurity standards

Contact the Office of Information Technology through OSS, submit a feasibility study, list of employees, network diagrams and information security protocols

Export/import license

Registration of an enterprise in the Zhejiang zone, provision of information about the assortment, confirmation of the origin of goods, availability of warehouse capacity

Submit an application through OSS, provide contracts with foreign counterparties, invoices, customs declarations, obtain approval from the customs authorities

Cost of doing business in Zhejiang Free Trade Zone

Before starting to register a company, it is better to calculate in advance the cost of doing business in Zhejiang Province. Let's look at the main expense items.

Rental of office and industrial premises

The average rental price for class B and C office space in the region's business districts ranges from 60–100 yuan per square meter per month (approximately $8–14 per sq. m./month). Premium Class A offices in technology parks or specially selected business centers can cost RMB 120–180 per sq. m. m/month (about $17-25). Production and warehouse premises in industrial zones are priced cheaper - approximately 40–80 yuan per sq. m. m/month ($5.5–11), depending on condition and proximity to logistics hubs. Long-term rental (1–3 years) allows you to get discounts of up to 10–15%.

Licensing and registration fees

Enterprise Establishment Process in Zhejiang FZZ simplified thanks to the Online Single Submission system. However, certain fees still apply. Primary registration of a company in Zhejiang can cost around 1000-2000 RMB ($140-280 USD), including notarization of documents and translation if required. 

Additional licenses for certain types of activities may require payment of separate state fees. On average, they will cost 500–3000 yuan (70–420 US dollars) depending on the level of complexity and mandatory inspections. 

Mandatory fees and charges

Organizations are required to make contributions to social funds for employees (pension, medical, accident insurance), the amount of which is about 30–40% of the wage fund. Individual manufacturing and logistics businesses may be required to pay environmental fees, waste disposal fees or water usage fees. These costs are relatively small. They usually amount to several hundred yuan per month, but with a large production volume such fees can become a significant expense. At the same time, in general calculations it is important to take into account tax preferences for enterprises in the Zhejiang Free Trade Zone.

Maintenance services and consulting

Expenditures for bookkeeping, juridical, and advisory provisions post-incorporation of an enterprise in Zhejiang are contingent upon the magnitude of the undertaking and the peculiarities of the sector. Petite entities may disburse from 2000 to 5000 yuan (280–700 USD) monthly on externalized accounting and legal aid. More sizable establishments engaged in rigorously governed domains (such as finance or pharmaceuticals) frequently engage in-house legal experts and auditors or procure specialized consultancies, which may incur costs of 10,000–20,000 yuan (1,400–2,800 USD) each month.

Internet, communications and utilities

High-speed Internet in business centers of Zhejiang costs about 200–500 yuan ($28–70) per month for a corporate tariff. Mobile communications for management and employees - about 100–200 yuan ($14–28) per person monthly, depending on the service package. Utilities (electricity, water, heating) for an office with an area of ​​100–200 sq. m usually do not exceed 1000–1500 yuan ($140–210) per month. For industrial premises, these costs can be several times higher depending on the energy intensity of the equipment.

Personnel costs after registration of an enterprise in the Zhejiang zone

Salaries in the region can be considered moderately high compared to other parts of China. The average salary for a skilled office worker is around 6,000–8,000 yuan ($840–1,120) per month, engineers and technicians earn 10,000–15,000 yuan ($1,400–2,100), and mid-level managers can earn between 15,000–25,000 yuan ($2,100–3,500). ). Insurance premiums and benefits packages increase final personnel costs by approximately 30–40%.

Thus, the cost of doing business in the Zhejiang preferential trade zone, even though not the lowest in China, is compensated by access to a favorable business environment, benefits and infrastructural advantages of the zone. 

Development dynamics of Zhejiang FTZ

Gross regional product

By the end of 2024, the total GRP of Zhejiang Preferential Trade Zone continues to show positive dynamics. At the end of the year, the GRP of the zone is estimated at 550–600 billion yuan (approximately 77–84 billion US dollars). This indicator reflects stable business growth and increased added value of production, logistics and innovation projects implemented by residents of the region. The growth of GRP is supported by systematic work to attract high-tech companies, develop service industries and strengthen Zhejiang’s export position.


Inflation rate in Zhejiang FZ, as a rule, corresponds to general Chinese trends, since the zone is integrated into a single economic complex of the country. According to official data, inflation in the region is kept within 2–3% per annum. The relatively low inflation environment is due to controls over energy and food prices, as well as the effective monetary policy of the People's Bank of China. A stable inflation rate creates a favorable business environment for investors' long-term plans, risk reduction and cost forecasting.

Number of registered enterprises

The tally of instituted entities within the Zhejiang Free Trade Zone by the conclusion of 2024 surpassed 50,000 juridical persons. Of this figure, a noteworthy portion is attributed to diminutive and intermediary enterprises, encompassing those concentrated on advanced technology, online commerce, logistics, and manufacturing sectors. The surge in the volume of nascent firms mirrors the zeal of both global and regional financiers in capitalizing on fiscal inducements, assistance schemes, and infrastructural preeminences of the locale. Vigorous endeavors to streamline registration formalities via the OSS system and furnish counsel from the zone's administrative bodies have mitigated impediments to incipient market entrants.

Consequently, the information corroborates the enduring progression of this FTZ. For overseas financiers and businesspeople, these metrics herald auspicious circumstances for inaugurating a venture in Zhejiang, protracted lucrativeness of initiatives, and constancy of the fiscal milieu.


The Zhejiang Exempt Commerce Enclave furnishes enterprisers with avenues to penetrate transnational marketplaces and amplify their ventures owing to its propitious emplacement, sophisticated framework, pecuniary inducements, and expeditious administrative formalities. The enclave's conveyance epicenter, Ningbo haven, and cutting-edge manufactories further augment its allure. A consultative establishment extends amenities for instating commercial entities within the precinct, encompassing the election of an optimal juridical configuration, finalization of documentation, jurisprudential counsel, and pecuniary refinement.